
Laser Dentistry


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What Is The Difference Between The laser And The Traditional Root Canal Treatment?

As we all know, laser treatments are taking the command in recent times as these are the most current and fast treatments that also don't cause any pain to the area being treated.


Laser treatment is very cost-effective and also provides instant results.


This treatment does not involve the process of drilling or the traditional root canal treatment, which has been centuries.


laser dental cleaning near me in Houston, TX treatment removes infected or dead tissue from a decayed tooth, and laser dentistry has changed the dental methods of root canal procedures. In this, Dentist Near Me detects and kills the harmful bacteria in your teeth.  



Why is Laser Root Canal Necessary?


Root Canal treatment helps cure damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be sanitized by the brushing or flossing process, which is done daily. The rotten or decayed teeth occur in the innermost area, also known as the pulp, which may become infected and inflamed. In such scenarios, your teeth's pulp exposes to harmful bacteria and gets injured. emergency dental clinic near me in Houston, TX can recommend a root canal treatment to stop further infection and resolve the inflammation in the cavity.  


What is the difference between a laser and a traditional root canal?


 In the traditional root canal treatment dentist uses a drilling method that can create a small opening in a tin so that the tooth can be treated. Then the damaged tooth is disinfected and cleaned by the filling and packed with a rubber-like solution.


Conversely, the laser root canal treatment follows the same procedure, but the laser light does this in place of the drilling thing. The laser treatment can boil away damaging tissue for greater accuracy, and this processing speeds up the cleaning process considerably. Laser treatment does not provide pain when treating the patient who has the worse condition.


Although the emergency dental office near me in Houston, TX provides patients with both treatments, they can choose according to their suitability by differentiating between the prices.



How much time does laser treatment take?


When we compare this treatment with the traditional treatment, then this treatment takes little time. Conventional root canal treatment is very time-consuming, and it may vary on the procedure and severity of your case and takes 5 to 30 minutes.


What are the benefits that laser treatment provides?


There are a few benefits that laser treatment provides:


      • Effective process
      • Quick and fast process
      • Cost-effective
      • Do not require regular visits to the dentist.
      • Less invasive
      • This is more accurate
      • Have no risk


Summing it up :


Research and studies confront that the preparation and brushing of root canals using lasers decreases the count of microorganisms, which improves the irrigation solution's ability to penetrate the dentin and remove the smear layer. We hope you liked the article, and it clarifies the difference between laser and traditional treatment.


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How To Treat Gum Disease At An Affordable Price?

At present, gum disease doesn't have to be only caused to older people or those not taking proper care of oral hygine. But, the fact is that gum infection is common in kids and the people of a young generation because of improper diet and the consumption of acidic drinks or alcohol before their age, and that too in excess amounts.


Gum disease is a gum infection that erupts in the gums and can damage the pulp inside the tooth and generate effective or severe damage. Gum disease can also lead to tooth decay and bone loss. If you are unaware of gum disease, reading this article till the end will be a productive step towards knowledge about gum disease. This article mentions everything you need about gum disease, so read carefully.


Who treats gum disease?

The doctor or dentist treating the gum disease is known as Periodontitis. Gum disease starts with an infection that begins with bacterial growth that can occur due to irregularity of hygine and sanitization. In other words, bacteria are also spread due to unhealthy mouth cleaning and fewer cleaning processes. The gum infection can also cause tooth loss before your age if this is not treated on time from the Peridontitis, and this may also lead to the destruction of the surrounding tooth covered by the gum infection.



What is the cause of gum infection?

There can be multiple causes for gum infection; some of them are:

  • This can occur due to excessive smoking.
  • This can also be due to the consumption of tobacco.
  • Due to the development of the plague.
  • Undoubtedly, this can also be due to hormonal changes, irrespective of gender.
  • Consumption of harmful drugs can also be several medicines.
  • Improper care of the oral hygine.
  • Lack of nutrition in the body
  • Poor and unhealthy diet.
  • This can also be genetic, which elaborates that the person is taking good care of oral hygine, but gum disease is present too.
  • This can also be due to the suffering of cracked and broken teeth.

How can this disease be treated?

Currently, multiple options are available for the gum recession treatment as there are many technological advancements the science has given the best out in the modern sources. Here are a few gum disease treatment options that can assist in getting the best treatment.



  • A professional dental cleaning can treat this.
  • This treats the treatment of flap surgery/gum recession surgery and pocket reduction.
  • This can be treated by the process of bone grafting
  • Some experts and professionals also provide the treatment of bone surgery.
  • This is also treated through the regeneration of the guided tissue.
  • Pulp grafting is also a type of treatment that treats the infection.
  • The treatment of scaling and root planning also treats the therapy.
  • The patient can also opt for laser gum surgery.

Conclusion :

Gum disease should not be taken in a very light and gentle manner because this can cause various other infections in the mouth. This also provides a reason for tooth loss, which can be dangerous for a longer time. If the disease or the illness is not treated on time, further destruction will lead to more expensive treatment. This explains that it is better to consider a doctor when you see gum disease symptoms without delay.


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What Do You Mean By LANAP Procedure?

The traditional approach of gum surgery is no longer practiced. We use oral soft tissue LASERS, a cutting-edge technique, for the greatest results. Your LANAP periodontist near me in houston will use a laser during the Laser-assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) to target and remove unhealthy tissue.


There won't be any painful extractions or scalpel-cutting of gum tissue. On the other side, LANAP surgery near me in houston offers a far less intrusive method with a quicker recovery. You may question why traditional gum surgery is still performed, given the better results.


How does LANAP take place?


According to LANAP Dentistry Near Me in Houston, the extent of the gum disease determines how long the procedure will take. Depending on the condition and severity of the gum disease, the process can be completed in one or two sessions. Your health care provider for LANAP treatment near me in houston will:



  • Feel your gums to determine the degree of therapy needed for each tooth.
  • Use a laser to eliminate the disease-causing microorganisms.
  • Use additional equipment, like ultrasonic scalers, to remove tartar that is unhealthy.
  • To reconnect the root to the gum tissue, restart the laser.
  • Grind down a part of the tooth to further prevent the formation of new tartar.


What are the myths regarding the LANAP procedure?


Several LANAP myths could scare you or make you doubt the effectiveness of the LANAP procedure near me in houston. Here they are so you can stay away from them:


Myth 1: Any Dental Specialist Or Dentist Can Perform The LANAP Procedure


Only licensed, qualified dentists and periodontists at Laser Dental Clinic Near Me in Houston can use LANAP lasers on patients. At the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry, they spend an entire year undergoing a demanding training program. Dentists train other dentists in the procedure under tight supervision and following rigorous rules. After the session, they receive a LANAP competency certificate.


Myth 2: LANAP Is Expensive


In terms of cost, LANAP is comparable to traditional gum surgery. Additionally, the money lost while recovering from conventional gum surgery may make LANAP a more economical option.


Myth 3: Any Laser Can Be Used for LANAP


The effects of various lasers differ. LANAP uses the precise PerioLase MVP-7 laser to treat gum disease. The destructive power of this laser targets only the infected gums while safeguarding healthy tissue. Any other laser cannot be used with this technique.



Myth 4: LANAP is Dangerous.


Remember that there are risks involved with every medical procedure. Your healthcare professional will review everything before the operation to ensure your complete understanding. However, LANAP exclusively targets harmful microorganisms with a safe, FDA-approved laser. Drug interactions or radiation exposure are not a problem.


Are there any downsides to LANAP?


The main disadvantage of LANAP is that there might be better treatment choices for you if your periodontal disease is sufficiently advanced. In some cases, you'll need further treatments, which can involve getting your teeth extracted and replaced. You should immediately contact your dentist if you suspect you may have gum disease.




The above-provided details and information will help you learn some beneficial facts and details regarding the LANAP procedure. For more informative facts and details, please visit



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What Do You Know About Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a long-established routine procedure for removing the gingiva. Just a few examples of the indicators include access to beauty. Since access to osseous structures is not always required, they will perform a gingivectomy in the presence of supra bony pockets. The procedure helps to reduce gingival tissue in cases of hypertrophy and also modifies fibrotic gingiva. However, gingivectomy Houston is not suggested n the following circumstances:


  • Access to the osseous structure is essential.
  • It needs to have an upgraded or existing gingival attachment.


Although gingivectomy was routinely performed in the past, its use in periodontal surgery has declined due to developments in our understanding of how the body heals and the creation of advanced flap procedures. it remains effective when you need it.



How do periodontists perform gingivectomy?


A gingivectomy or gingivoplasty gum disease treatment is a dental surgery in which excess gum tissue is surgically removed. Underneath, there is no visible bone. After surgery, they apply a periodontal dressing to the teeth and gums to promote healing. The patient could experience pain during the treatment, but usually not after. According to a gingivectomy dentist near me in houston, dental veneers may also occasionally be placed during this procedure to help increase the count of visible teeth. The damaged or infected area is washed with saline and specific rinses.


The diseased tissue is cut away, and the remaining gums are sutured back in and around the teeth. They may give a local anesthetic to keep the patient at ease throughout the surgery. Following the procedure, the teeth and gums are covered with a surgical dressing, sometimes known as a pack. For roughly a week, this dressing remained in place. Dental Office Houston Tx says you can accelerate healing by gargling with an antimicrobial mouthwash.


How does laser treatment differ from traditional treatment methods?


Laser gum surgery Houston provides a bone-building, tissue-preserving, and regenerating option. They'll also use a laser instead of a scalpel to focus on the same polluted pockets. The laser kills the bacteria and contaminated tissue and removes the tissue needing removal. After the incision, we can swiftly remove calculus using ultrasonic root cleaning.



They will seal the tissue with laser radiation, preventing bleeding and further infection while promoting healing. As the lasers activate stem cells that create new collagen, bone, and connective tissues, this procedure also enables the body to use its innate healing skills. It restores the structural stability of the bone.


What benifits does gingivectomy provide?


According to Houston Dental Clinic, among the advantages of a gingivectomy are the following:


  • Removed the diseased tissue
  • Reduced depth of the pocket
  • It stops and manages gum diseases.
  • increases capacity to practice good hygiene
  • It preserves bone and teeth.
  • It also promotes dental health.




The above-provided details and information will help you learn some beneficial facts and details regarding gingivectomy. For more informative facts and updates, please visit 


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What Is The Relatable Certainty Of Laser Treatments In Dentistry?

Well, here is that the laser dental clinic near me options provides patients with relatable points that assist them with the treatment in their comfort zones. Apart from this, laser treatment is the most suitable treatment for all those people who are sensitive and afraid of taking surgery. Surgery is effective but takes time, and sometimes, this also causes pain to the patient who is more sensitive and cannot bear the pain of needles or stitches. 


In this scenario, laser treatment offers a good process, which also involves the tissue. 


What does the term laser treatment explain?


In the laser treatment process, a beam of light is passed, which is stimulated through the emission of radiation.



 This technology is used in the dental office to treat various oral infections. They utilize this technology to concentrate the emanating energy in a narrow beam. Once the laser light is focused on the tissue, it either removes or changes the shape of the tissue.


What are the treatments that can be cured through laser light?

Well, the answer to this is that there are multiple types of demise that laser light can cure, such as:


  1.  For teeth whitening
  2. For treating tooth decay
  3. For treating hypersensitivity
  4. For treating gum disease


These are the common issues faced by every age group in the present time. Youngsters need these treatments very often to consume healthy or the required nutrients, and this is the reason that is causing different types of infections in oral hygine. 


What are the kinds of laser dentistry treatments?


There are two types of laser treatments procedure which is being promoted these are :


1. Teeth, which are also known as hard tissue:


Many infections can cause damage to the teeth, like detecting the cavity, filling the root canal, and identifying the symptoms of tooth decay. The laser dental surgery near me also helps the patient to get rid of the drill and the long process of giving the dose of anesthesia. The laser treatment in the teeth' hard tissue also kills the bacteria in the cavity. Furthermore, this helps protect the teeth from further damage through bacteria.



2. Gum which is also known as soft tissue:


Laser gum surgery houston treatment in softer tissues is more worthwhile for compassionate people, and drilling or the traditional treatment methods can cause more severe damage to their gums. This treatment will also help cure the gum infection generated by gum recession, irritation, swelling, or pus in the affected area.  


Conclusion :


Advancements in technology have paved the path for comfort treatment for every illness or disease. This use of laser treatment also makes the patient feel more relaxed as no cutting tools, chemicals, or instruments are used. Treating any oral infection with laser treatment also ensures that the dentist maintains hygine and sanitization, as there is no disease issue or use of uncleaned tools. Laser treatment is the fastest way to operate and free the patient with no pain. While taking the laser treatment, the patient should ensure that the doctor or dentist gives them the safety measures. 


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What Exactly Is The LANAP Procedure?

Gum disease can cause several unpleasant symptoms that might make you self-conscious and worry about the future. Not just your smile but also the general health of your body. Thankfully, a quick and easy way to cure gum disease is the Laser-assisted New Attachment Method (LANAP). With LANAP houston tx, you can receive treatment from a dentist or periodontist with little to no interruption to your daily routine. 


The old-fashioned method of gum surgery is no longer used. During the Laser-assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), your periodontist at the Dental office Near Me will use a laser to target and remove infected or decayed tissue. There will be no need to cut gum tissue with scalpels or endure painful extractions. On the other hand, the LANAP laser near me provides a far less invasive approach with a faster recovery. 



What are the drawbacks of LANAP? 


The only negative aspect of the LANAP procedure is that you may not be the ideal candidate for this procedure if your periodontal disease s too severe. In those cases, you'll have to go through alternative methods that may include teeth replacement or removal. That's why you should discuss this with your dental specialist if you suspect that you may have periodontal disease.  


What are the myths about the LANAP procedure? 


According to Laser Dentistry Energy Corridor, several myths about the LANAP procedure can make you doubt its effectiveness. Here are some common myths about the LANAP process, so try to avoid them: 


Myth 1: Regular dentists can perform LANAP procedures.


LANAP lasers can only be used on patients by licenced, trained periodontists and dentists. They undergo a rigorous training programme at the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry for an entire year. Dentists at LANAP Laser Dentistry recommend other experts in the technique under close supervision and strict guidelines. 


Myth No. 2: LANAP is expensive.


In most cases, LANAP costs less than standard gum surgery. Additionally, the money lost while recovering from traditional gum surgery may make LANAP a more economical option.


Myth #3: Insurance does not pay for LANAP procedures.


Most insurance providers provide LANAP protection. It would be best to discuss with your insurance provider to learn more about your coverage and any deductible.


Myth #4: Any laser may be used to perform LANAP.


The effects of various lasers differ. LANAP uses the PerioLase MVP-7, a specialised laser, to treat gum disease. Only the infected gums are the target of this laser's damaging germ elimination while safeguarding healthy tissue. Other lasers cannot be used with this procedure.



Myth #5: LANAP is dangerous


Remember that any medical procedure has some inherent risks. Your healthcare practitioner will go through everything with you before the operation, so you are fully informed. LANAP's FDA-approved, safe laser only interacts with hazardous microbes, so there is no radiation risk or potential for drug interactions. You should have x-rays taken before the therapy, although the risk is also relatively minimal.




The above-provided details and information will help you learn some beneficial aspects of the LANAP procedure. For more informative updates, please visit 


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Is Gum Recession A Common Dental Problem?

Gum recession is the process through which the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth wears down or pulls back, revealing more of the tooth or root. Gum recession is the process wherein the gums pull back from the teeth. It leaves "pockets" or places quickly for disease-causing bacteria to collect. According to Dental Office Houston Tx, if severe damage to the teeth's supporting tissue and bone structures goes untreated, it may eventually result in tooth loss.


Dental conditions, including gum recession, are common. Gum recession is progressive; thus, most people are unaware they have it. You must take action to address the issue of gum recession. If you think your gums are receding, immediately make an appointment with your dentist at Dental Clinics In Houston. Some dental treatments can fix the gums and prevent further damage.



How would periodontists treat gum recession? 


Your LANAP dentist near me may treat mild gum recession by thoroughly cleaning the affected area. During a deep cleaning, also known as tooth scaling and root planing, plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth and root surfaces beneath the gum line are methodically removed. The exposed root area is also flattened to make it more difficult for bacteria to adhere. 


Antibiotics may also be used to eliminate any potentially dangerous microbes that may still be present. Suppose you cannot reverse your gum recession with deep cleaning because of significant bone loss and bottomless pockets. In that case, you may require gum recession surgery to repair the damage caused by gum recession.


What type of surgical treatments can treat gum recession? 


Periodontists at Dentistry Near Me may use surgery to address gum recession by using the following methods:


Open flap scaling and root planning


During this gum recession treatment, the dentist or periodontist (gum specialist) folds back the problematic gum tissue, removes the dangerous bacteria from the pockets, and then snugly fastens the gum tissue over the tooth root, getting rid of or decreasing the pockets.




If gum recession has weakened the bone supporting your teeth, they may suggest a procedure to replace lost bone and tissue. Like pocket depth reduction, your dentist will fold the gum tissue and remove the bacteria. Introducing a regeneration substance, such as a membrane, graft tissue, or tissue-stimulating protein, will urge your body to regrow bone and tissue in that area naturally. After the regeneration substance has been applied, the gum tissue is secured over the tooth or teeth root.



Soft tissue graft


There are many gum tissue graft methods, but the most popular one is a connective tissue graft. The operation involves cutting a flap of skin at the roof of your mouth (palate), removing tissue beneath the subepithelial connective tissue, and sewing it to the gum tissue covering the exposed root. The flap is sewn down once the connective tissue, or graft, has been extracted from beneath it.




The above-provided details and information will help you learn some beneficial facts and details regarding gum recession and its treatment options. For more informative updates, please visit 


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How Does The LANAP Procedure Work?

Traditional gum surgery is a tale of the old times. With a laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP), your LANAP periodontist near me will use a laser to target and remove decayed or infected tissue. You dont need to be concerned about scalpels and painful gum tissue. Instead, LANAP offers a far less invasive procedure with faster recovery times.


How does LANAP take place?


Your medical specialist at Laser Dental Clinic Near Me will probe your gums to establish the degree of therapy required for each tooth. They have a laser that blasts the harmful microorganisms that cause infections. After removing disease-causing tartar with ultrasonic scalers and other tools, the gum tissue is once more connected to the root using a laser.


To further inhibit the development of new tartar, grind down a portion of the tooth. According to Houston Dental Clinic, one session of three to four hours can treat your mouth. Most patients don't even need painkillers to resume regular activities within a day because there isn't any cutting involved.



What should we expect from recovery?


Traditional treatments for periodontitis or contaminated implants may require several weeks to recover. You can return to normal with the LANAP procedure near me in a few days. You'll initially need to refrain from brushing, flossing, and eating sticky or hard food. After a few days, you'll be able to resume your regular diet and dental care.


Visiting the periodontist after treatment


Making a dentist visit following LANAP therapy is essential to guarantee that the results last longer. Even while treatment effectively reduces or eliminates harmful gum tissue, the disease may reappear if post-treatment maintenance is neglected. After LANAP treatment near me, your dentist will likely urge or require routine periodontal maintenance appointments. They will check for gum issues, clean the teeth and gums, and offer home care instructions to maintain healthy gums.


Are you a good candidate for LANAP?


Suppose your gum disease isn't too advanced. In that case, lanap surgery near me offers a simple remedy that can non-invasively restore your gum's health. There are no downsides, and a quick recovery lets you return to your previous, healthier way of life. Traditional gum surgery doesn't need to be unpleasant. Find a qualified periodontist with LANAP training as soon as possible, and discuss your treatment choices with them.



Do gums regrow after the LANAP procedure?


It may be present if you have noticed signs of gum disease such as swollen gums, chronic bad breath, receded gums, or bleeding gums after cleaning your teeth. If you are told you have gum disease, your periodontist will go over your treatment options.


Although it can reach 15 mm in cases of severe gum disease, gum line recession varies from 2-4 mm. While gum recession is this severe, it may be uncomfortable to eat or drink, especially when ingesting hot or cold food or beverages. Gum disease is not reversible spontaneously. Consequently, it's imperative to seek therapy as soon as feasible.




The above-provided facts and information will help you learn some interesting things regarding the LANAP procedure. For more informative updates, please visit


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What Do You Know About Gingivectomy Procedure?

The diseased tissue and gums are removed during a procedure known as a gingivectomy. Doctors at Dental Offices In Houston suggest it minimizes the risk of additional infection, pain, and bleeding. Another reason to get a gingivectomy is cosmetic reasons.


A gingivectomy dentist near me usually performs this procedure to treat severe gingivitis, in which germs invade the gum tissue and cause inflammation. Other individuals, however, can want a gingivectomy for cosmetic reasons. An altered smile and gum line may result from a gingivectomy.


Who is an ideal candidate for a gingivectomy procedure?


People with gingivitis make excellent candidates for gingivectomy near me. People with this condition frequently develop germs that cause plaque. Tartar or calculus forms when plaque is not removed over time. The gum enlarges, and the tooth's attachment becomes floppy. Once calculus has progressed, brushing and flossing are no longer effective at removing it, frequently resulting in bleeding.



Gingivectomy Houston is suggested if the problem does not improve despite scaling and root planing. Gingivectomy may also be advantageous for those who have periodontitis. Due to the bacterial infection that causes gum inflammation, periodontitis, if left untreated, can cause tooth loss and harm the underlying bone structure.


How Do They Perform Gingivectomy?


During procedures, surgical scalpels are routinely employed. In rare cases, a low-frequency laser may be used during the process instead. Dentists at Houston Dental Clinics shrink and remove diseased tissue during a gingivectomy, leaving the healthy gums to be sutured inside and around the teeth. After that, the area is washed with saline and certain rinses.


You won't have to worry about pain if you need a gingivectomy since our knowledgeable staff at Texas Dental Clinic will give you local anesthesia and other sedative alternatives to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. Following the treatment, the teeth and gums will be covered with a surgical dressing, often known as a pack. The duration of this dressing is roughly one week.


What is gingivectomy recovery like?


You should be able to return home without delay. In most cases, your dentist will use local anesthesia, allowing you to return home on your own. Even if you don't experience pain immediately, it can do so later or be more intense once the numbing wears off.



Over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Advil) may help to alleviate the discomfort (Tylenol). For a couple of days, your gums can bleed as well. Change any bandages or dressings as soon as the bleeding stops or when your dentist says you can once again expose your gums.


Your dentist or a dental assistant should show you how to change your bandages or dressings before being sent home. If they need to clarify anything or if you have any queries about the directions, contact their office to ask for them.




The above-provided details and information will tell you some interesting facts and aspects regarding the gingivectomy procedure. For more valuable updates, please visit


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What Does Laster Dentistry Entail?

Laser dentistry is the practice of using lasers to treat various dental disorders. They used it commercially for procedures requiring tooth tissue in clinical dentistry in 1989. Laser Dentistry Near Me may offer a more comfortable treatment option for several dental procedures involving hard or soft tissue than drills and other non-laser equipment.


Laser is short for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." The gadget emits a very narrow and concentrated beam of light energy. When this laser light meets tissue, a reaction makes it possible to remove or shape the tissue.


How does laser periodontal surgery work?


Lasers are thin tubes that use focused and powerful light beams of thermal energy to perform various tasks during gum surgery. LANAP Laser Dentistry Near Me can:


  • Remove diseased tissues.
  • Coagulate blood vessels to form solid clots.
  • Sterilize the areas.
  • Kill bacteria and germs.



Laser Dentistry For Gum Disease work by making an energy change in atoms. The laser light shifts from its present resting state to an excited state stage, and it causes the atoms to form energy named spontaneous emission. When the atoms return to a resting state, they emit particles of light named photons, such as tissue cutting without incorporating a blade.


What goes into the procedure of laser gum surgery?


The LANAP or laser gum disease treatment procedure is a non-invasive way of treating gum disease. It is way better than traditional gum disease surgery and involves fewer risks and complications. According to Laser Dentistry Houston, here's what you should expect from laser gum surgery:


  • Your periodontist will place the tip of the fiber optic laser just above the periodontal pocket. The laser is about three times smaller than human hair.
  • It will use the laser's concentrated light to remove the gum tissue from the unhealthy and inflamed pocket. (The laser is designed to remove diseased tissue and does not harm or remove healthy gum tissue.)
  • Periodontist at Dental Office Houston will clean the pockets from microorganisms and damaged tissue before the laser is set aside.
  • Once the tartar and calcifications have been removed, your periodontist will utilize an ultrasonic cleaning tool to employ sound waves to dissolve and remove them.
  • The laser is reinserted into the pocket to clean the bottom and eliminate any leftover debris.
  • The laser sterilizes bone and tissue while also causing a blood clot to form. The blood clot speeds up healing and helps the gums reconnect to the toot, eliminating the need for stitches.



What should we expect after laser gum surgery?


Some people return to their regular routines the day after surgery. Some people need a few days to feel caught up completely. For the first one to two days, your periodontist might suggest that you rinse your mouth with warm salt water every few hours to ease discomfort. You might expect to have some slight soreness for a few days. Other temporary adverse effects may include:


  • Minor swelling
  • Slight bleeding
  • Discoloration of gum tissue.




The above-given details and information tell us some valuable facts and aspects regarding laser gum surgery. For more helpful information and updates, please visit


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